Few things are as special as the bond between pet and owner. In fact, studies show that the majority of pet owners view their animals as members of the family (source). After all, pets and their owners are together for years, experiencing every high and low as a team. But the strength of this bond makes it all the more challenging when a pet passes away.
Georgia native and musician Cliff Corr knows the struggle all too well. When his beloved springer spaniel Henry Wiggles passed away in May 2021, he knew he wanted to do something special to honor his memory. “Henry was the best,” says Cliff. “He loved his people, a long walk, treats, and a good nap. He was funny in that he liked people, but he was also completely fine with having his own space. He was the sweetest guy, and we had him for 11 years.”

“The reason he was named Henry Wiggles is [that] every time he walked, he would wiggle his butt. It was really, really adorable,” laughs Cliff.
In early 2021, Henry hurt his leg while running around – presumed to be a sprain. His veterinarian prescribed him medicine to help with the pain, but as Henry came off the medication, the discomfort resumed. “As soon as I started taking him off [the medicine], the pain came back and it was hard for him to move around,” Cliff explains. After a trip to the emergency vet and additional testing, they learned that Henry had cancer.
During Henry’s treatment period, Cliff was scrolling through Instagram and came across a post from Rockbridge Guitar Company, a custom guitar shop in Charlottesville, VA, known for making high-quality guitars for artists like Keith Urban, Brandi Carlile, and Cliff’s personal favorite, Dave Matthews.
“I was scrolling and [saw] this picture of a guitar with a design of a dog on the headstock and the same actual dog [was] in the background of the photo,” recalls Cliff. “I’ve always wanted a custom guitar, and this felt like a great way to honor my guy, so I sent Rockbridge an Instagram message. Brian Calhoun, the co-founder, wrote me back, gave me his cell phone number, and said to call him when I was free.”

Henry is pictured here, giving his signature “side-eye.”

Located in Charlottesville, VA, Rockbridge Guitar Company creates about 70 custom guitars annually.
On May 16 of 2021, the world lost Henry. “It was the hardest time. For 11 years, he was a member of the family. We had experienced so much life, change, and growth with Henry always by our sides. I still find myself talking to him like he’s there in the room.”
After a few months had passed, Cliff contacted Brian Calhoun of Rockbridge Guitar Company and made plans to visit Charlottesville so he could tour the studio, pick out the wood for his guitar, and discuss exactly what he wanted. The result is a stunning Adirondack spruce SJ (small jumbo) acoustic guitar with a sunburst design, koa binding, and an abalone trim. The most distinguishing factor, however, is the custom inlay of Henry on the guitar’s headstock.
“I sent [Brian] a few pictures of Henry and I really loved the one that he ended up choosing because [he’s doing his] kind of side-eye [look],” says Cliff of the inlay. “It’s really funny and it just highlights Henry’s personality.”

Cliff is pictured here with Brian Calhoun during a memorable trip to the Rockbridge Guitar Company workshop to pick out his guitar wood and discuss specific details.

A stand-out factor of Cliff’s guitar is the custom inlay of Henry on the headstock that’s made from wood and pearl. Pictured here is the process of creating the inlay from start to finish.

A close-up look of the finished headstock.

“It’s impressive,” says Cliff of his new guitar. “I can’t say enough about how beautiful it is, and the pearl and wood that Brian used on the headstock actually make it look just like Henry.”
When reflecting on his time with Henry, Cliff recalls a special ability that Henry had. “Even though I joke about Henry wanting his own space, he really had a way to comfort those he loved. If you had a hard day, he knew and he would know how to comfort you. Sometimes it was a look, sometimes it was getting you to take him on a walk or a ride in the car, and sometimes he would just come sit with you, put his paw on your arm, and just sit there,” he says. “He knew when to comfort his people.”
This memory serves as a perfect testament to Henry, his personality, and his relationship with his people, showing that underneath an exterior of keeping his distance and side-eyes was a loving, cuddly companion. And while the loss of a pet is certainly never easy, this guitar will beautifully honor the memory of Henry Wiggles for many, many years to come.
All photography provided by Cliff Corr.
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